The Pinnacle at Deer Valley is a statutory condominium association incorporated in the State of Utah on December 6, 1982. The association consists of 86 residential units located on approximately 39 acres in Park City, Utah. Units range in size from 2,921 square feet to 3,708 square feet and were constructed in 4 Phases.
Phase 1/1984 – 13 units
Phase 2/1985 – 10 units
Phase 3/1986 – 16 units
Phase 4/1987 – 47 units
The HOA is organized as a nonprofit corporation operated exclusively for the purpose of maintaining, operating and governing the condominium association. The Officers of the Board of HOA are 5 members who are elected by the homeowners at each year’s annual meeting. Each member of the board is a homeowner and serves without compensation.